
At MTM we offer a variety of opporunities for students in Math. Currently students are place in the appropriate level Math course using diagnositc assessments such as the UCSD Math placement test and current CST scores.

Students also have an opportunity to extend their math skills and apply them to real-world situations through participation in the MESA program.


One of the country's most successful programs of its kind, Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) provides academic support for thousands of educationally disadvantaged students so they can excel in math and science and graduate with baccalaureate degrees in science, engineering, computer science, and other math-based fields.

MESA works closely with industry partners and the University of California, the California State University, the California Community Colleges, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the California Department of Education, school districts, and individual schools. MESA is nationally recognized for its innovation in academic development. MESA was founded in 1970 and is administered by the University of

MESA provides rigorous academic development that includes math and science curriculum based on the California Math and Science Standards. MESA also offers individualized academic planning, study skills training, peer group learning techniques, career exploration, parent involvement, professional development, transfer assistance, and special orientation classes and services for students in community college and four- year institutions.

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