SGT & ELAC Election Nominations

MTM is always looking for ways to engage school stakeholders. All are welcome to join public meetings. If you are interested in becoming a voting member, please see links below to fill out nomination forms. 


SGT (School Governance Team) is an advisory committee that works in collaboration with school administration to make more informed decisions that affect student learning and school safety. Roles and responsibilities, including votable items can be found on our main MTM website--go to "About Us" tab and click on "School Governance Team" in the drop-down menu. 


An ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) is required at any school that has a 20%+ population of English Language Learners. MTM meets that criteria. Please see form to officially vote an interested parent into the committee. Also, please consider joining this important governing body that can help better support students who are acquiring the English language. 

Click on image to access SGT nomination form 

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Click on image to vote for candidates and see nomination form 

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